about counties manukau kilikiti association



CMKA objectives are broader than “Kilikiti”. It’s a platform for Community Development through:

  • Maintaining, enhancing & celebrating pacific cultural & social norms,  its customs, heritage & traditions
  • Community Sport played by young and old together
  • Connecting family and extended family, village, church and communities together through sport & culture
  • Fostering the holistic health & well-being of a community
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History of CMKA

  • CMKA established in 2007 & Incorporated 2008.
  • CMKA promotes the amateur & community sport of island cricket (“kirikiti/kilikiti”) as well as the cultural offerings/assets for the Pacific communities displayed through participating in kilikiti


  • Kilikiti/Kirikiti as an ‘enabler’ for meaningful community engagement
  • Enabler – it’s a community recognized physical and recreational activity
  • Perspective: - ‘O le fuata ma lona lou, O le lou foi ma lona fuata’


  • Promotion and facilitating kilikiti as a form of play in its widest interpretation in order ‘to maintain and foster healthy, positive & resilient family and community networks in Auckland.’
  • Kilikiti to promote & celebrate intentional ‘Fellowship, Family, Faith & Food sharing’ within Pasifika communities



The British introduced cricket in the late 1800s to Samoa. The Samoan people liked the sport, but they didn’t love the sport. It quickly evolved into a version of cricket that Polynesian communities absolutely love and it spread across the Pacific Islands. Over the next 100+ years it has become an integral part of many communities throughout Polynesia.

The extreme popularity threatened Samoan education. The then German government of Samoa almost banned the game to keep kids in school. In neighbouring Tokelau, the game takes a life and death status; they’ve adopted the word ‘taua’ (battle) to describe a game and ‘mate’ (dead) when the batsman is out.

Aotearoa New Zealand hosted the inaugural Kilikiti World Cup in 2001, where the hosts edged out American Samoa in the best of three series for the championship. Standardised rules were introduced for the world cup. Traditionally, rules were agreed upon before a game to fit the preferences of the teams.

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